Page 6
Challenge 1 icon

Congratulations, you have completed Challenge 1!

Hopefully, you can now better understand your bushfire risk!

Submit your completion to claim your FREE REWARD

By completing Challenge 1 you are eligible to receive a FREE key ring torch.

To claim this reward, make sure you have registered for the Bushfire-Ready Challenge and simply confirm your details in the form below. Make sure the details you enter match your registration details.

One reward per household.

Not registered? Register here

Keyring torch

Submit your completion to claim your FREE REWARD

By completing Challenge 2 you are eligible to receive a FREE Bushfire Ready Challenge Drink Bottle.

To claim this reward, make sure you have registered for the Bushfire-Ready Challenge and simply confirm your details in the form below. Make sure the details you enter match your registration details.

One reward per household.

Not registered? Register here

BRC drink bottle

Submit your completion to claim your FREE REWARD

By completing Challenge 3 you are eligible to receive a FREE Smoke alarm.

To claim this reward, make sure you have registered for the Bushfire-Ready Challenge and simply confirm your details in the form below. Make sure the details you enter match your registration details.

One reward per household.

Not registered? Register here

Keyring torch

Submit your completion to claim your FREE REWARD

By completing Challenge 4 you are eligible to receive a FREE USB card.

To claim this reward, make sure you have registered for the Bushfire-Ready Challenge and simply confirm your details in the form below. Make sure the details you enter match your registration details.

One reward per household.

Not registered? Register here

Keyring torch
My details

Disclaimer: Special rewards are available until prizes are exhausted.

More on Fire Danger Ratings, Warnings and Alerts

You can find out more about the Australian Fire Danger Rating System, warnings and alerts, and much more by getting familiar with our tools and resources at

Save in your bookmarks and follow them on social media (Facebook or X/Twitter).

ADFR + warnings

Know your local ABC Radio Emergency Broadcaster

In the event that communications are impacted, it is important that you stay tuned to ABC Radio via a battery-operated radio. Find your local channel here.

ABC Emergency

Up next…

It’s time to start planning for bushfire in Challenge 2 - Create a Bushfire plan.

You can also use your Bushfire Safety Guide or visit our online Bushfire Plan generator.

Challenge 2 icon