Create your own Bushfire Plan, in 3 easy steps

Making a choice to leave or stay when a bushfire threatens is too late. You and your loved ones’ safety and survival during a bushfire will depend on how prepared you are, and the decisions you make. TFS recommends having a Bushfire Plan and sharing it with household members, neighbours and friends.
Don’t wait, create your Bushfire Plan now.

Simple to create

Don’t have a lot of time? Don’t worry, the Bushfire Plan is simple to create and is achieved in three steps.

Ready when you need it

Once created, your Bushfire Plan can be easily shared via email, printed out or saved as a PDF. It is then ready when you and your family/household need it.

For Apple iPhone & iPad users download the iOS Adobe Acrobat Reader app for free from the App Store.
Remember to save your Bushfire Plan to the Files app for easy access later.

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