• Current My details
  • My plan to leave
  • My plan to stay & defend
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My details

Your Bushfire Plan outlines what actions each member of your family/household will take on bushfire risk days and if bushfire threatens. Having phone numbers and details of key contacts is an essential first step of any bushfire planning.

My details
TFS recommends reviewing and updating you Bushfire Plan annually
Included in the Bushfire Plan
Your Bushfire Plan should include each member of your family/household who may be impacted on bushfire risk days and if bushfire threatens.
Essential Phone Numbers
Use this section for other essential contacts not listed above such as doctor, insurance company etc.
ABC Radio Station
For warnings and alerts tune into your local ABC as the emergency broadcaster.
You can also tune in to your Local Radio station anywhere on the free ABC listen app.

My plan to leave

Tasmania Fire Service recommends that you plan to leave early on days with a Fire Danger Rating forecast of Extreme or Catastrophic.

My Triggers
These are the signs that will help you decide that it is time to leave early.
My Triggers
Where will I go?
On bushfire risk days, your safest option is to visit friends, family or sites away from fire areas. It's a good idea to list some alternatives.
Who to tell
Key people you need to inform that you are leaving your property, where you are going and how you are getting there.
What will we take?
What will we take
My plan for pets and livestock
If you have any pets or animals, note down here what you will do with them. For more information on animal welfare in emergencies, visit the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania website at https://nre.tas.gov.au/biosecurity-tasmania/animal-welfare/emergency-animal-welfare-management.

My plan to stay & defend

Only stay and defend on days of elevated bushfire danger if you are well prepared and your home is properly constructed and prepared to the highest level. Tasmania Fire Service always recommends that leaving early is the safest option.

Before the bushfire season
Before the bushfire season
I will
Before the bushfire arrives
Outside my home, I will
Outside my home, I will
Inside my home, I will
Inside my home, I will
When the bushfire arrives
When the bushfire arrives
I will
After the bushfire arrives
After the bushfire arrives
I will

Everyone must have a backup plan - even the best plans can fail. Remember, leaving late can lead to death or serious injury. You must know a number of places of last resort in your area including bushfire places of last resort (Nearby Safer Places) that you can relocate to at very short notice if all else fails.

Bushfire places of last resort
(Nearby Safer Places) If my plan to stay doesn’t work out, these are my places of last resort.
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