Page 6
Challenge icon

Congratulations, you have completed Challenge 4!

Wow! You have completed your final challenge - Well done! No doubt you may still have some planning and preparation to do, however we hope you’re feeling more on top of things.
To wrap up what you have learnt, we have one more video below:

What to do before a fire

From the Tasmania Fire Service


Submit your completion to claim your FREE REWARD

By completing Challenge 1 you are eligible to receive a FREE key ring torch.

To claim this reward, make sure you have registered for the Bushfire-Ready Challenge and simply confirm your details in the form below. Make sure the details you enter match your registration details.

One reward per household.

Not registered? Register here

Keyring torch

Submit your completion to claim your FREE REWARD

By completing Challenge 2 you are eligible to receive a FREE Bushfire Ready Challenge Drink Bottle.

To claim this reward, make sure you have registered for the Bushfire-Ready Challenge and simply confirm your details in the form below. Make sure the details you enter match your registration details.

One reward per household.

Not registered? Register here

BRC drink bottle

Submit your completion to claim your FREE REWARD

By completing Challenge 3 you are eligible to receive a FREE Smoke alarm.

To claim this reward, make sure you have registered for the Bushfire-Ready Challenge and simply confirm your details in the form below. Make sure the details you enter match your registration details.

One reward per household.

Not registered? Register here

Keyring torch

Submit your completion to claim your FREE REWARD

By completing Challenge 4 you are eligible to receive a FREE USB card.

To claim this reward, make sure you have registered for the Bushfire-Ready Challenge and simply confirm your details in the form below. Make sure the details you enter match your registration details.

One reward per household.

Not registered? Register here

Keyring torch
My details

Disclaimer: Special rewards are available until prizes are exhausted.

BRC icon

Congratulations on completing the Tasmania Fire Service Bushfire-Ready Challenge!
We hope you now feel more confident and prepared for the bushfire season.

Tell us about your Bushfire-Ready Challenge experience:

Click here >

It's important for the Tasmania Fire Service to learn the program's effectiveness to ensure we can maintain, and continually improve initiatives for supporting our communities to be bushfire-ready.

Be in the running to win 1 of 3 mystery prizes.

Remember, when it comes to bushfire preparedness, we all play a part.